As I was wandering around Akasaka the other day, I found out that TBS, one of the major TV networks in Japan, was holding a summer festival literally minutes away from my dorm. As you can see they had a tropical theme and there were tons of different food & desert stands serving the people who came to visit. Akasaka's Metro station lies directly under TBS's headquarters so that's the main reason they're having the festival over here.
Then I saw it. In the main plaza where they had constructed an elevated stage, a large gathering of Japanese people began. Sitting down in the seats were members of the Japanese media and major newsgroups and standing behind them were your typical Japanese citizens and myself. After waiting a little bit of time they began filming a TV panel talk show right in front of my eyes. I was about to take some pictures while they were filming but they stopped my and said photos weren't allowed to anyone except approved media.
Fortunately, there was a Japanese girl who was working as support staff there who spoke English and told me what was going on. Basically the show was a recap of a special initiative where one of Japan's most famous models (pictured above) along with a group of mentally disabled people traveled over to New York City to paint over graffiti and see the Statue of Liberty. I managed to snap a quick shot of the model on my way out but it was a pretty cool event.
Off to class...
japanese saunt?
my peter, glad to see you're keeping a blog. it will be a good thing to have now and when you get back, so keep posting throughout your semester. i look forward to reading more.
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